Taste Of Freedom

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Amisha had taken multiple flights to get to the United States of America to visit some family and friends while also partaking in the celebration of the 4th of July, a very special date for the American population. She had been in the U.S.A a few times before for similar reasons, celebrating a specific holiday and spending time with loved ones, but this was the first time she was going to be there to celebrate the independence of this country.

She didn’t know what to expect to be doing during this holiday, as she wasn’t familiar with it due to her living in the region of Asia for the majority of her life, but she was happy to accompany her family regardless of their activities. Perhaps it was a good time to get to know this country better: its culture, people and of course, food.

Once the holiday came around, she would go out with her family to a park to enjoy some time under the bright sun. After they parked somewhere in the city, they would head towards the aforementioned location by foot, and while doing so, Amisha would be met with wonderful smells from many restaurants and food trucks around the area, something which caused her to get a bit hungry.

She would eventually make a stop at one of the trucks, telling her family she would catch up to them soon. Being quite hungry, she ordered the first delicious thing she saw in the menu, in this case, an order of 3 hotdogs with fries. She wasn’t used to eating these kinds of foods, being a vegetarian for the most part, but she was willing to give this plate a shot.

Despite being ‘just a bit hungry’ she would rather quickly devour all of that food, being pleasantly surprised at how great it tasted. Despite being full, she was tempted to eat other things on the menu, or even try a different place to eat at, but she had to fulfill her promise of going to the park with her loved ones, so she would go do that shortly after.

After a couple of hours talking, the family of the white-haired girl would make plans to eat at a restaurant. Although she was okay with the amount of food she had eaten, she would lie to her family and would inform them that she only had a little snack and nothing else, with her becoming excited to eat more yummy American dishes.

With the family assuming she must’ve been starving, they would order quite a lot of food for everyone, but especially for Amisha. Although nobody was aware, the slim woman was quite the glutton that day, eating another full course meal as she hadn’t had one a few hours prior, her stomach barely being able to handle it though. Luckily, no issues arise from this and she would continue to enjoy her day despite the very bloated tummy.

The holiday would come to an end, but Amisha’s time in America wasn’t over yet, she was going to stay there for the following 5 days. During this time, she would get used to the foreign environment, but most notably, she would put on a considerable amount of weight quite quickly. Each day, she would slowly but surely increase the portions of her meals, and each meal seemed to decrease in nutrition value the more she ate.

Her family and friends would notice her increasing chubbiness, but would not say a word about it to avoid offending her and/or also shrugging it off, hoping she would go back to her skinny self once she returned to her home region.

Amisha herself wasn’t really concerned about her weight gain and although her lingerie would feel tighter against her formerly slim curves, she found her plump body to be quite hot, something she did not expect to feel when having a larger belly. Of course though, her belly wasn’t the only part that had fattened up, with her being content with the fact that her once small B-cups were now almost D-cup size and her flat bottom had distributed the consumed fat quite nicely to form a nice and plump booty.

To her, the chubby belly was a fair trade off in exchange for the bigger tits and ass, going as far as to think she would look better if she was even bigger and ‘juicier’. Even after her trip to the United States was over, her diet would not go back to what it was previously, with many of her peers over there being surprised whenever they went out with her and ordered greasy food, a huge contrast to her previous eating habits.

As time went on, Amisha would become increasingly fatter, something that made moving around harder and required her wardrobe to be replaced every couple of months or even weeks. As she continued to eat larger meals with low nutrition value, she would get much larger and rounder, and the worst part? She saw nothing wrong with any of this.

Not only did the Asian lady find these foods so delicious and addictive, but she also considered her extremely fat body to be incredibly sexy, her libido rising alongside her weight. She would find it very kinky to squeeze her massive gut and all of its fat rolls that now covered what was once a flat abdomen.

Above that mountain of fat were another two mountains, her breasts. She went from barely needing bras due to her boobs being very small to struggling to find anything that could cover and hold her enormous tits. She found sexual pleasure in feeling her lingerie struggle to contain her almost 500 pound body, her pussy becoming wet whenever her bra or panties would snap or rip.

With this newfound pleasure, she would also go from occasionally masturbating to doing so a few times a week. Her difficulty in reaching down to her fat pussy only turned her on even further, her mind being filled with fantasies of muscular men using their full strength to rail her large cellulitic ass cheeks, all while she moaned like the fat whale she had become and loved being. She wouldn’t have much trouble in pleasing her desires either, being quite the skilled squirter.

Over the course of a year, Amisha went from weighing just a hundred pounds to over 600, and it seems her appetite would not slow down, taking reaching 700 pounds as a fun challenge for herself. July was around the corner once more, and she was most certainly going to be in the U.S.A once again for the 4th of July, this time, she wouldn’t be shy to taste any and all meals, desserts and drinks this country had to offer.

Her family was absolutely shocked to see her so big and heavy, being quite concerned about her. Seeing as she was happy and didn’t have any major complications despite her size, they would still be supportive of her. Their support was especially useful when Amisha signed up for an eating competition, one she likely would’ve won anyways, but that motivation boost made her the big winner of that contest, literally.

After such intense ‘actions’, she found herself eating another hotdog and chicken wing as a victory meal. She just couldn’t stop, the food was way too good! The audience was shocked yet impressed at her appetite and size, some even finding her obese frame rather attractive, only making it sexier by the fact that she flaunted it by using some very short shorts and a tank top with the U.S.A’s flag printed on it.

Who knows, maybe life was about to get even better for her, maybe she’ll find that cute boy who loved plus-sized women like herself this 4th of July, that’s assuming she finds someone who doesn’t mind her weighing a literal ton in the future.
